Friday 18 June 2010


Ok so on the topic of amazing bloggers, thing that inspire me and things I don't shut up about - Rumi Neely from FASHION TOAST is officially my number one style icon.
I know I go on about it and I know I post a LOT of her pictures, but she honestly could not be any more amazing.
To say she inspires me is an understatement.

Nicole Richie used to be the one person I idolised and copied when it came to fashion.
Whether it was yellow eye shadow, black liquid eyeliner, coloured hair extentions and juicy tracksuits or head scarfs, huge designer handbags and chunky gold jewellery, Nicole used to be the one celebrity I most wanted to dress like.

Now Rumi has taken over and there is not a day that goes by that I don't religiously check her blog for new items to find cheap copies of. I have her to thank for my leather pyramid studded clutch bag, white nail polish, silver jewellery and huge rings. She is the one that converted me from religiously wearing ONLY gold jewellery, to wanting nothing but dirty silver stuff hanging from my body. She is the one to blame for my hand full of rotting rings. She is the one to blame for my unhealthy obsession with the YSL 'arty oval ring' and she is the one to blame for my 'tipex' fingernails.

The day I have £105 to throw away on a ring.
Will be the day I get this.

She calls it Jix but I reckon it looks more like tipex.

If I wasn't jewish I'd have that cross gracing my grubby little fingers as we speak.
I have the pyramid studs, and I'm on a mission to find that huge ring.
I need it pleeaseee.
I have similar ones, but I don't have my camera on me so you will have to wait til I'm back from Ibiza for a massive post on all my new shit.



Bracelets please.




  1. omg i knowww! I'm jewish too but i still got that ring. ridics!

  2. Love the rings too! Guess what, ->
